Urban Crossroads provides the full spectrum...
of environmental noise measurement and analysis services. This includes baseline, or ambient, noise measurements for characterizing the existing environment, compliance noise level measurements and source specific reference noise level measurements of activities and equipment. Our services include noise analyses that comply with CEQA and NEPA requirements, as well as preliminary noise studies to establish the barrier height requirements for tentative tract map approval, interior noise level analyses to provide detailed building assembly requirements as part of a final noise studies, focused operational stationary-source noise level analyses and focused construction source noise level analyses with mitigation plans. In addition, our noise group maintains a strong technical background in the application and development of noise prediction models.
Noise Level Measurements
Urban Crossroads provides both short- and long-term noise level measurements to assess the existing noise environment and effectively analyze the contributions of a given project on future ambient noise levels. Noise level measurements are used to provide an understanding of existing conditions as they relate to local regulations and to the noise-sensitive land uses in a given study area. Our staff is experienced with collecting noise level measurements for a variety of projects including residential, commercial, industrial and warehouse developments as well as conducting noise monitoring for evaluating construction and operation compliance with local ordinances. All noise level measurement equipment meets the latest American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard specifications for sound level meters.
Traffic Noise Prediction
Urban Crossroads provides traffic noise impact analysis services to support tentative tract map approval and environmental evaluations based on CEQA and NEPA requirements. Our staff is experienced with developing traffic noise level analyses for a variety of projects including residential, commercial, industrial, and warehouse developments with complex traffic mixes. Our staff uses the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Traffic Noise Prediction Model programs and procedures to evaluate the existing and future noise environment related to both the offsite and onsite traffic noise levels. Based on detailed research and analysis, our staff develops recommendations for exterior and interior noise level mitigation measures to satisfy applicable Federal, State, and Local transportation noise standards.
Stationary Source Noise
Through the use of reference noise level measurements, Urban Crossroads analyzes the impacts of operational stationary-source noise impacts on future noise environments as well as preparing noise monitoring reports evaluating compliance with local ordinances. Our staff maintains reference noise levels on a variety of noise sources and can provide additional measurements to meet the needs of our clients. Reference noise level measurements allow our staff to forecast the future noise levels of commercial, industrial, and warehouse projects, amongst others, and identify any potential impacts to noise-sensitive land uses in the vicinity of a project. We have extensive experience evaluating day and night operations, as well as multiple noise sources based on CEQA and NEPA requirements and local ordinances.
Construction Noise
Urban Crossroads has prepared detailed studies for construction activities to meet a variety of local regulations and demonstrate compliance with CEQA mitigation monitoring and reporting plans. Our staff utilizes state of the art three-dimensional computer modeling to predict construction noise levels in a given study area at nearby sensitive receivers. We develop site-specific noise reduction measures by examining the existing environment and determining the most reasonable and effective method to reduce the noise levels from heavy machinery to nearby noise-sensitive land uses. Our experience includes the preparation of construction noise mitigation, monitoring plans, and temporary construction barrier evaluations.