Urban Crossroads provides a full range...
of traffic services that include traffic impact analysis, traffic engineering, travel demand modeling, simulations, and many other traffic related services. In addition to these services, we actively maintain our expertise with the latest analytical tools, travel demand models, intersection level of service analysis methodologies, and traffic simulation.
Traffic Operations Analysis
To accommodate the needs of our clients, Urban Crossroads offers traffic operations analysis services needed to support the environmental review process for the purposes of demonstrating General Plan compliance. The traffic operations analysis services typically include an evaluation of both existing conditions and the effects of future development in order to identify infrastructure requirements needed to maintain acceptable operations. We also provide services ranging from conceptual planning/feasibility studies to detailed traffic engineering recommendations. This includes site plan development and access, trip generation studies, traffic study reports, parking utilization/demand studies, and traffic mitigation phasing strategies.
Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Analysis
Changes to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines were adopted in December 2018, which require all lead agencies to adopt VMT as a replacement for automobile delay-based level of service (LOS) as the measure for identifying transportation impacts. Urban Crossroads offers VMT analysis services needed to support the environmental review process. VMT analysis services typically include an evaluation of project generated VMT for baseline, baseline plus project, cumulative and cumulative plus project conditions — and in some cases an additional assessment of a potential project’s effect on the travel of vehicles within a specific geographic region. We provide a full range of VMT analytical services including due diligence level screening evaluations, project-specific VMT modeling using travel demand models throughout California, and the development of targeted VMT/trip reduction programs needed to satisfy CEQA mitigation requirements.
Traffic Engineering
Urban Crossroads provides a full range of traffic engineering design capabilities including traffic signal design, signal warrant studies, roundabout design, signing and striping, and traffic control plans for the maintenance and protection of traffic. Work products include concept plans, improvement plans, traffic safety recommendations, and evaluations of traffic control devices and other traffic related intersection and roadway design features.
Traffic Calming
As the area wide traffic increases and cut-through or diverted traffic spreads to nearby neighborhoods, traffic calming studies are often conducted as a means to identify solutions for traffic in these sensitive areas. Using professional engineering guidelines, Urban Crossroads will develop measures to satisfy local criteria.
Modeling & Simulations
Urban Crossroads has always maintained in-house traffic modeling expertise. We actively develop, maintain, and run a variety of locally recognized traffic forecasting models using tools such as TransCADTM, and CUBE. Our core staff has been together for over 20 years and has performed major modeling assignments for the cities of Newport Beach, Menifee, Moreno Valley, Hemet, Lake Elsinore, San Juan Capistrano, Irvine, Indian Wells, Indio, Palm Desert, Rancho Mirage, Banning, Beaumont, Coachella, Huntington Beach, Yorba Linda, and the towns of Mammoth Lakes and Apple Valley. To support these work efforts, we have developed expertise in land use, socioeconomic datasets, and network topology using ESRI® GIS software.
Circulation Planning
Urban Crossroads has performed general plan circulation element/citywide traffic studies for numerous local jurisdictions, including the recently completed General Plan Circulation traffic studies for the City of Menifee, Rancho Mirage, and Rancho Santa Margarita. Typical activities include evaluation of land use alternatives, circulation system planning, as well as the preparation of goals, policies, and implementation programs. Our outstanding work was recognized in 2008 in the form of a national award by the American Planning Association for our technical traffic analysis effort as part of the Newport Beach General Plan update process.
Complete Streets
The increasingly intermodal aspects of transportation are addressed by Urban Crossroads on an integrated basis. Our staff has prepared detailed studies of on-road and rail transit services (including corridors and stations) and developed community circulation plans which successfully incorporate pedestrian and bikeway networks. The Urban Crossroads multidisciplinary approach is responsive to AB 1356, the California Complete Streets Act of 2008. This law requires cities and counties to include complete streets policies in their general plans so that roadways are designed to safely accommodate all users, including bicyclists, pedestrians, transit riders, children, older people, and disabled people, as well as motorists. Sustainable transportation networks are designed to improve the balance between environmental goals, community objectives, and performance (mobility and safety). Urban Crossroads provides context-sensitive design guidance related to the integration of land use and transportation strategies that ensure the reduction of vehicle emissions by residents, employees, and patrons.