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Decoding California’s SB 743: Transportation Assessment


California’s Senate Bill 743 (SB 743) represents a significant shift in the way transportation impacts are assessed for development projects. Enacted in 2013 and fully implemented in 2020, SB 743 aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, promote the development of multi-modal transportation networks, and encourage diverse land use. Understanding SB 743 is crucial for urban […]

In the Spotlight: Analyzing the Key Provisions of SB 743

SB 743

SB 743, a significant piece of legislation in California, has been a hot topic of discussion among urban planners, environmentalists, and developers since its inception. This bill, signed into law in 2013, fundamentally changes how transportation impacts are assessed under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This blog will delve into the key provisions of […]

Beyond Level of Service – How SB 743 is Changing Traffic Impact Assessments


SB 743, a landmark piece of legislation in California, is transforming the way traffic impact assessments are conducted. This blog post delves into the significant changes brought about by SB 743, highlighting the shift from Level of Service (LOS) to Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and its implications for urban planning and development. Understanding SB 743 […]